Nicole and Raelyn with Julie Slingerland, GMU
NVTMA Sonata Festival signals the end of a school year. Students are enjoying first weeks of summer break; I am still catching up on updates about latest events and studio news.
This year, record number of 841 participants attended NVMTA Sonata Festival. Only 132 students advanced to second round, 44 performers received Honors and were invited to perform at Harris Theater, GMU.
Nicole, Raelyn, Katherine and Lucy received Honors, congratulations!
WMTA held its Honors Concert at Steinway Gallery, Bethesda, MD. Realyn played Sonata Hob XVI:33 by J. Haydn.
Kayleigh and Raelyn, Bethesda, MD
Kayleigh, welcome to our studio!
Photo from SMC newsletter, courtesy of C.Nguyen
Luke and Reyna, Honors recipients, were invited to SMC Honors Concert, Springfield, VA.